Thursday, May 6, 2010

Soccer Mania

It's that time of year again when we hit the soccer fields. Finley's been playing the past month and only has a few more games left. He's been having so much fun with his team, the Badgers. Especially since all the boys his age in Primary are on the team. Finley's fun to watch. He's not the star player by any means. No, he's more the team clown running up & down the field, waving and making silly faces and doing funny poses. It's great watching him have so much fun. That's really what matters. Next year, Ryan is going to try his hand at coaching the team.

Ryan's also started playing soccer on the Beehive Glass team on Monday nights. We've only been to one game, but it was fun.

Berlin can't wait to start. Unfortunately, she'll have to wait until she's 4. Until then, she's fine playing on the playground with her friends. Me, I just like to watch.

1 comment:

Jen Howick said...

so cute! i feel like I could have written that post about Logan - you know, not the star player by any means, more the team clown etc... except Logan is not funny, he just is full of explosives and shooting guns etc... it's such a cute team!