Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear People who Bug Me...

Ok, I try to keep my blog happy and fun with pics of the kids. However, I am so urked right now after a couple things that happened yesterday and today while running errands, that I need to vent and I am going to do so here. If this offends you, I'm sorry, but this is how I feel.

Dear Hispanic petition seekers ... please leave me alone. Do not approach me as I enter and leave Walmart, Target, my grocery store, and the park. I will not sign your petition now or ever requesting that all business forms etc be published in Spanish. If you want to live in this country - learn English like the rest of us. Or pay for a translator. You don't see German immigrants asking for forms in German, Italian immigrants seeking Italian, Portuguese immigrants in Portuguese, etc. If you want to live and do business in Spanish, please do so in a Spanish speaking country (there are many to choose from). Also, do NOT curse me in front of my children for not supporting your "cause."

I also will not now or ever sign a petition seeking health insurance for immigrants (legal or illegal). You shouldn't be getting free insurance when the rest of hard-working Americans don't. If you want health insurance either get a job with an employer that pays for it, pay for your own plan, or pay for expenses out of your own pocket. This is not the land of freebies & handouts. Again, do NOT curse me in front of my children for not supporting your "cause."

Dear Dragon Tales, Dora, Diego, Handy Manny, Maya & Miguel ... and all other Spanglish cartoons. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. One, you are just plain annoying. Two, it is not the responsibility of my children to learn Spanish so that they can communicate with your children. English is the language of this country and that is what kids should be learning - English. Kudos to shows like Super Why and Word World for teaching kids how to read and spell in English.

Dear Litterers ... please refrain from throwing your trash (beer can's, cigarettes, food wrappers, etc.) in my yard. If you want to live in filth, fine, so be it, but do so in your own home and yard - not mine.

Aaaah ... I feel so much better having gotten these gripes off my chest.


Mama Bear said...

I just have to say Ditto to your rant and thanks for giving me something to chuckle about - we are sooooo related! XOXOXO

valerie said...

i'm telling you - the 'dear life' moments can be so cathartic - i too support your venting

Our Family of 6 said...

You know, I also have to say DITTO to everything that you said. It's horrible down here too...especially with the kids that drive up daily from Mexico to attend school here..on my tax dollars nonetheless. It was one of the most frustrating things about doing admissions at SDSU. They feel they are entitled to more than people who are acutally here legally. My second favorite "petition" that was going around a few weeks back was the petition to get rid of the alcohol ban on the beaches...I'm sorry. I love that people can no longer drink on the beaches here in San Diego. It makes me want to go and visit them more now that I don't have to worry about a bunch of drunk people. Oh yeah...we get the litterers too...they like to throw the garbage over our back fence. It's fun..especially when someone comes and knocks on your door because their boyfriend threw their purse over the fence because they got in an argument while walking down the street. Anyway...long comment to simply say I agree...and never apologize for venting. It's necessary for your sanity.

hoopesfam5 said...

Dear Cynthia: Thank you for allowing your sisters the chance to second (and third, fourth, etc.) your ventings. Apparently, we are all related and all have similar mindsets. Oh, and thank you for making me laugh...I needed that.