Friday, March 20, 2009

We did it!

Finley has cause for celebration. Since we got back from our California trip, I've really pushed getting him potty trained. And it's finally paid off. Finley has been great about going on the potty the last week. So much in fact that he FINALLY filled up his Star Wars potty chart and was able to get his Galactic Heroes Millenium Falcom toy set. I had begun to wonder if it would just sit on the bathroom counter collecting dust forever. But he surprised me and has earned it. Not to say we haven't had an accident or two. But we are 100% underwear - except at night. We are still doing pullups until he starts waking up dry (we are hit & miss on that). My checkbook and I are ecstatic about it! 

Here's Finley placing the LAST sticker on his chart and holding his toy. It was the FIRST thing he went to this morning. He didn't even wake me up :)


Sugar & Spice said...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!! (YOU deserve something fun.... :-))

Mama Bear said...

Yah Yah Yah for Fin!!
and I KNOW you are so excited.
B will be a piece of cake to train!

valerie said...

I agree with Mel, I think you and Ryan deserve a present...