Friday, March 20, 2009

Thrift Store shopping makeovers - Summer of 69 Thrift Store Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Summer of 69 Thrift Store Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Muy Fabulosa! I am SO going to the DI and Thrifttown tomorrow! Oh wait - I have a full closet of clothes that need a makeover ... hmmm. Here's Kathleen's amazing handiwork.

Before ...                      After ...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey Cynthia-
I was just writting you to tell you about that market. The website is and on her website you can print out a form to enter into the market. I know the next one coming up is in May. I really think your stuff would do so well. I just think they are so cute. So see what she says. By the way I also went to that sale. Was that not the best sale EVER! She usually has one right before easter and then right before school starts. But I still bought enough to last through the winter. They are just too adorable! Hope things are going well for you. Talk to you soon! If you have any questions my e-mail is