Thursday, July 2, 2009

Glitter Toes

Over the past 2 years I have secretly envied all the mothers who have little girls that allow them to paint their toe-nails. Seriously. Whenever I saw cute little girls running around the park, at the lake, or aroud town with sparkly toes & sandals, I would turn a pale shade of green. I have been dreaming for the day when Berlin would allow me to paint her little piggies all the colors of the rainbow. Well my friends, that day has come ATLAST!

For the past few months we've been reading the My Princess Essentials book
before bed. We pretend to put on jewels, apply makeup, comb our hair, put on a dress & shoes, and paint our toes & fingernails. Apparently it caught on because while we were at Walmart yesterday I took her down the aisle with the nail polish and I told her that she could pick out any color she wanted and we would paint her toesies after dinner. She freaked out and after much deliberation she chose a salmon pink (it took all I had to not try and sway her to a different color. I wanted this to be her special toe glitter). She held it all thru dinner and as soon as we were done, she was ready. I was amazed at how still she sat while we painted her toes AND fingernails. Here she is in all her salmony pink glory.

The fingernails only lasted about 30 minutes. As she was drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, she decided that pickin' it off was more fun. (She must be like me - I hate colored polish on my fingernails). But the toes are still lookin' good this morning, and I am so happy to have a little girl that FINALLY likes her little piggies to be painted. They are so freakin' cute!


Celeste said...

OOOH - cute! This is one of my favorite things about having a little girl!

Sara said...

Yay! Congratulations!! I'm gonna have to check out that book...

Our Family of 6 said...

I could have just loaned you Keegan until Berlin was ready. As soon as he sees my toes painted he wants his too and he'll start taking his socks and shoes off. It's totally my fault. When I took him to the hospital with croup I was going crazy trying to keep him still and I had nail polish in my purse so his thumb nails got polished that night. Ever since then, he thinks it's ok for his nails to get polished too. Not good! :)

Emily said...

How pretty!