Thursday, December 18, 2008

All things Gingerbread

With lots of snow these days I've had to come up with activities for the kids to do inside. Last night I pulled out the gingerbread house kit to keep them entertained. Finley had a lot of fun helping me make the frosting and then telling me what to do. He told me where to put the walls, the roof, the windows, the doors. They each got to decorate one side of the roof-top. Finley did great. He was very meticulous in placing the candy on the frosting. Berlin on the other hand just wanted to eat the candy. To top it off, Finley made sure that all the windows and doors had handles on them so that people could get in and out. The finishing touches though are the pet dinosaurs he put in the front yard and on the roof.


valerie said...

oh my dear - that thumbsup picture?! are you serious - he couldn't be any cuter...

Mama Bear said...

so cute - I love the pet dinosaurs, especially the one on the roof. Now that's what I call a security systems. And I agree with Val - could your kids be any cuter!!

Our Family of 6 said...

I have to second the thought that Finn looks so like Ryan it's ridiculous! Seriously, though they could not be any cuter. I've still got the train kit I bought last year. Looks like it's going to be shelved one more year. It's a good thing no one actually eats the finished product.