Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Terrible 3's

In our house, terrible two's didn't exist. The kids were always pretty even tempered at two. But for some reason, once they turn 3, all things terrible within let loose.

Berlin, for example, ever since turning 3, cries over everything. Even just looking at her sets her off into tears and shouts of "leave me alone" or "I hate you mom!" (yes, I hear this alot for who knows what reason). The funny thing is if I leave her alone like she asks, she freaks out even more when I walk away. Needless to say the last few days have been, um, interesting in our home.

I remember Finn being the same way. Three years old was definitely his worst year. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised that it's kicked in with Berlin now. Seriously though, I'm so not ready for this again.

Here she is in the middle of a screaming/flailing/crying fit yesterday ... it was just one of many.


Our Family of 6 said... as horrible as this has been for you, I'm so glad that Keegan is not alone in this. Seriously, AJ and I were just talking about how his 2nd year was so easy and then BAM he turns 3 and it's like someone replaced our even-tempered kid with a little beast (although, thankfully it's not 100% of the time and he has his really cute moments like when he tells me I'm his best friend). I'm so not looking forward to having to go through this with Camden and baby#3 all over again. It's almost enough to make me say we are done with kids.

Jen Howick said...

that is a familiar sight - only 1 more year, right? that's comforting! (no, not really). terrible two's are nothing, it's the terrible three's that blow!