Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear 10-miler

I've dreaded you all week long, but I forced myself to conquer you this morning and I FREAKIN' DID IT - all 10.15 miles of pavement & asphalt. Here's to knowing that I'm that much closer to being ready for the SLC 1/2 marathon in April. 

Notes to self:
1. running this long by yourself in a freakin' wind storm (rendering your music totally useless) SUCKS
2. I really missed having my sister Val with me
3. To my other sister Shauna training by herself in San Diego - I love you so much more knowing that this is how all your long runs are. I can't wait for you to get up here for the race so we can all run together.

(thanks to Liz S. for the shot block gels. They were great and I know I did better having used them.)


hoopesfam5 said...

Seriously rock! Seeing what you and the other sisters are putting into your training makes me admire each of you that much more. I love you...and can't wait to cheer you all on in April!!

Mama Bear said...

Way To GO - I have yet to even make it close to a 10-miler so you are now my hero!! :o)

Sugar & Spice said...

you are offically AMAZING!!! :-)
SO proud of you!